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Playboy After Dark was a TV program that ran from 1969-1970. The show was created so that it appeared the viewer was invited to a party in Hefner's penthouse. Hefner, surrounded by playmates, had famous musical guests and comedians as guests, such…

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The centerfold for the February 1970 issue, Linda Forsythe was a very different type of Playmate. While socially conscious and outspoken about her belief in challenging the status quo, she deviated from the common perceptions of being in support of…

Published in the Febuary 1974 issue of Playboy, this ad for stereo equipment shows an Indian folk music group performing using American made music equipment. As the Counter-Culture Revolution was responsible for introducing world music to American…

In a subtle turn of events, Playboy went from being clearly anti-Vietnam, and published within the September 1973 issue an ad for military recruitment.

Gracing the cover of the September 1970 issue, Playboy displays a modestly dressed girl dressed in hippie regealia and showing the peace sign, which beyond, forms into the shadow of the iconic bunny.

Playboy Symposium on Drugs in Society, February 1970

Eric Bentley, noted playwright and poet, speaks on the need of popular discourse and protest in a free society, urging on the youth moments of 1967.

Interview with ex-Harvard clinical psychologist and proponent of mushrooms and LSD Timothy Leary.

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An advertisement taken form the September 1966 issue of Playboy, which humorously pokes fun at the counter-culture movement while promoting the clothing brand "H.I.S."

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Opinion article by William Hamilton, a controversial theologian and the leader of the "Death of God" movement.
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